Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Errand Day. . .

I usually limit stops with kids to 2 per outing but we had a lot to do today.  Stop 1, Social Security office, which ironically is also the first step to getting my New York license before my Oregon one expires on the 1st.   Next was Home Depot, followed by Lowes, Bank of America, & ending at JoAnns Fabric.  My superstar shoppers who should have been asleep at the time were having a ball in the Halloween section at our last stop.  Unfortunately for Westyn they had no boy headbands, though he didn't seem to care.
In the next aisle Westyn found these, and guess what I heard. . .  "I stuck, I stuck!"  He pulled so hard on the incredibly cheaply made plastic chain it came off the hook on the wall & he fell back on his cute little bum.  It's okay, we all three laughed.  As I started walking to the next aisle he seriously didn't follow me, just kept calling, "I stuck Mommy".  Someone likes being stuck, which is good cause' that little man is stuck with me. .
Here's the kicker, after Lilyanah got home the girls were having some difficulty connecting so I had them sit beside each other and tell the other about their day, Ethne first.  And here's what she says, "I played barbies ALL DAY LONG!"  Seriously, crazy kid hadn't touched a barbie all day long!  : )  And on that note, have a great night/day!


  1. They sure do look like they're having fun! Wow, you certainly did have a busy day. As always, I sure wish I was there with you (or better yet, I wish you were ALL here permanently with me!!!). Have a great day! Love you loads, Mom/Grandma

  2. When you have a busy busy day like that, don't you wonder how other mommies actually hold down a job and still get everything done. I remember those days of running running running with 1-2-3 kids in tow and I remember being exhausted at the end of them. But I cherish every moment and would give just about anything to be able to relive them. You're a great little mommy Wendy. Love ya, Aunt Mona

  3. I had a long comment all wrote out and I don't know what happened, but it didn't post. Boo. I haven't the energy to repeat myself! I'm impressed that you ran all those errands with your kids!

  4. Ya know a few post back you showed a picture of you as a girl compared to Lilyanah and yes the two of you look alike. HOWEVER...the picture of Ethne laughing with the headband on, that my friend is the spitting image of the Wendy I grew up with!!! Bek
