Sunday, August 7, 2011

Lilyanah's Heart

August 2nd) I was cuddling with the girls in their bed and the song we sang was 'tears of the Lamb' a song they're just learning.  Only this time after the song was over this was the conversation we had,
Lilyanah, "Why does it say tears of the Lamb?"
Me, "Well, it's talking about Jesus when He was up on the cross."
Lilyanah, "Why was He crying?"
Me, "Jesus had been hit and was hurt and He was covered in sin which God can't be around sin, so He was lonely and very sad."
Lilyanah, "Did He do something wrong?"
Me, "Jesus never did anything wrong. . .   He went through getting hurt and being lonely up on the cross for all the things that we've done and will do wrong.  He did it so we can be forgiven and live in Heaven with Him and God someday. . . ."
The thought of Jesus lonely really touched her tender little heart and with tears in her precious little eyes she said, "Can we pray again to tell God and Jesus thank you?"

So we prayed and thanked both God and Jesus for what They did for us.   We started to broach the Holy Spirit, but I'm having a hard time trying to figure out how to explain the Holy Spirit to her.  Any ideas?

I just love seeing her precious little heart & how it is already seeking to understand God and His ways.   I have to admit I'm already having a really hard time with her 'all-to-quickly-approaching' first day of kindergarten, but am so thankful that God has given each new stage it's own joys.  Like the joy of having a partner-in-crime when it comes to planning get-togethers!  She's decided that we need to start having theme parties to invite friends to.  For example, a Noah party where everyone brings one set of 2 animals and we make rainbow cookies and set up a fort like an arc. . .  She is SO my daughter!  Oh and the picture above is of Lilyanah's new haircut.  It had to be done so last night after getting permission from Daddy I cut about 4 inches off.  She LOVES it & kept saying, "I look SO beautiful!"  : )

Friday we loaded up and registered her for kindergarten!  She loved it, I held back tears.  She was at least 50 feet away in this pic being assessed by one of the teachers.  I can only imagine what she was saying making the face she is & holding up her hands. . .  I'm pretty confident, "I don't know" was in there somewhere. . . : )  Everything is good to go, we should find out who her teacher is in a couple of weeks and at the end of the month they have an open house where she meets her teacher, fellow classmates & even gets to go for a ride on the bus.  Then, just 6 short days later she has her first day of school.  Life will never be the same.  Is it normal to picture her as a little baby every time I think of her being gone for the day? 

This last picture was Ethne tracing Westyn's hand while we waited for Lilyanah.  All the teachers fell in love with him.  They aren't use to seeing the small kiddos.  : )  The extra little heart wrench was that next year we'll be there again with Ethne, just a couple blinks away I'm sure!


  1. You sure know how to make a grandma cry! She really does have a very sweet little heart, and so thoughtful. I love "watching" her grow and pray for her purity. And I know I say this a lot, but it is SOOO true--what beautiful children! Wish I was there! (Or even better, I wish you were here!) Have a wonderful day! Love you loads, Mom/Grandma

  2. Need a tissue...our amazing lil babes and their Faith! Beautiful story. I asked Madison just now what the Holy Spirit is to see if I could pass it on to you for Lilyanah. Her reply " An Angel from God that looks over us from Heaven" ....Precious! Loving your posts
